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Year in Review

It has been a busy 12 months for everyone here at DBA. Between launching exciting projects, expanding our global reach, and fostering unparalleled collaborations, the energy has been relentless. As we close out the year, we’re taking a look back at all the DBA team and community have accomplished together

From bringing on 85 new signs to launching 71 brand collaborations to executing 12K+ marketing campaigns, it’s safe to say that we had quite an eventful year here at DBA.

We’ve reached significant milestones that highlight our commitment to pushing limits, nurturing creativity, and embracing the spirit of collaboration. The energy and passion of our team, brand partners, and community have been instrumental in making these accomplishments possible. For that, we are immensely grateful.

Head to the “Year in Review” tab to take a look at our year in numbers. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll see you back in January for another extraordinary year!

Lots of love,

Team DBA

Total Talent Reach
New Talent Signs
Talent with 1M+ Following
Product Lines & Brand Collaborations
Talent-Driven Marketing Campaigns
Awards & Nominations
Talent-Published Books
Talent-Produced Podcasts
Talent On-Screen Cameos
Billboard Moments
DBA Highlights